Sleep is important to your overall health

Each stage of sleep performs different functions, ranging from memory processing to recovery from exercise and stress

  • Icon of talking head with speech bubble inside Memory
  • Icon of person running Physical recovery
  • Icon of shield with checkmark inside The immune system
  • Icon of smiling face Mood and stress levels
  • Icon of lit lightbulb Creativity

Have you talked to healthcare provider about your sleep patterns?

“Excessive daytime sleepiness became this voice I couldn’t ignore that said, ‘I need to go to sleep, I am too tired to be here right now.’

I wasn’t skipping out on activities I enjoyed because I wasn’t interested in them anymore—but because my body was telling me I had no choice but to sleep.”

– Katie L., living with narcolepsy
Katie smiling

With narcolepsy, you may be facing disruptions around the clock


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that impairs your ability to regulate sleep cycles, affecting both your days and nights

Two common symptoms of narcolepsy are excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and cataplexy.

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EDS, or the persistent feeling of drowsiness during the day, is typically the first symptom of narcolepsy people notice.

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Some people also experience cataplexy—sudden periods of muscle weakness that can be triggered by strong emotions.

There are 2 types of narcolepsy: type 1 (narcolepsy with cataplexy) and type 2 (narcolepsy without cataplexy).

These disruptions create a burden for people with narcolepsy.

Managing your narcolepsy symptoms may be challenging

Current treatment options may cause or even require interruptions in sleep

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Other oxybate options require waking up in the middle of the night to take a second dose.

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Daytime treatments approved to treat narcolepsy may cause insomnia.