Proven daytime symptom treatment of cataplexy or excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS).
No waking for a second dose

LUMRYZ continues working throughout the course of your sleep cycle

A single, once-at-bedtime treatment means no interrupting your sleep to take a second dose

LUMRYZ levels, showing a continuous slope of medicine entering and being processed by the body LUMRYZ levels, showing a continuous slope of medicine entering and being processed by the body
Access a free summary of the LUMRYZ clinical trial.
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Once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ is proven to improve daytime symptoms of cataplexy or EDS*

People who received LUMRYZ experienced:

Icon of clock circled by arrows
REDUCED EDS Stayed awake 1.5x longer
Icon of arrow pointing down
REDUCED CATAPLEXY ATTACKS 57% fewer cataplexy attacks
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IMPROVED SYMPTOMS 73% were rated by clinicians to be much or very much improved
Icon of circle saying '3 weeks' inside
IMPROVEMENTS IN WEEKS Significant improvements as soon as 3 weeks into the trial

*These results, measured at weeks 3, 8, and 13, show daytime symptom improvement of participants on the 6-g, 7.5-g, and 9-g dose of LUMRYZ in a clinical trial.
As seen in participants taking a 6-g dose of LUMRYZ.

LUMRYZ once-at-bedtime dosing was found to be a major contribution to patient care.

The FDA has determined LUMRYZ to be clinically superior to both XYREM® (sodium oxybate) and XYWAV® (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium oxybates):

  • “LUMRYZ once-at-bedtime dosing does not disrupt or fragment sleep”
    • “XYREM and XYWAV require waking up to take a second dose during the night”
  • “LUMRYZ is more convenient, easier and less burdensome vs having to wake up for a second dose on a nightly basis. This is important as narcolepsy may require lifelong treatment”

Based on a determination of Orphan Drug Exclusivity by the FDA OOPD between LUMRYZ and XYREM or XYWAV. There are no head-to-head data for LUMRYZ and XYREM or XYWAV.
OOPD, Office of Orphan Products Development.

With daytime symptom treatment and no middle-of-the-night dosing, LUMRYZ can help make a night and day difference.

Download the Doctor Discussion Guide to help you get ready for your next appointment.

“Since starting once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ, I feel less sleepy and more awake during the day. I love to get up in the morning and read and write.”

– Wendy B., living with narcolepsy and treating with LUMRYZ
Katie smiling

Wendy was compensated for her story. Individual results may vary.

Side Effects of LUMRYZ

The most common side effects reported by participants in the clinical trial were:

Nausea • Dizziness • Bedwetting • Headache • Vomiting

The most common side effect leading to discontinuation was dizziness.

  • In the clinical trial, side effects typically occurred when participants started a new dose. Generally, the side effects declined over time while staying on the same dose
  • People who took the medicine experienced no clinically meaningful changes in heart rate or blood pressure between the start and the end of the trial

If you’re currently taking an oxybate to treat narcolepsy, talk to your doctor if switching to once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ is an option for you.

LUMRYZ may not be appropriate for some people with narcolepsy. Your doctor can help determine if LUMRYZ is a good fit for you.